Lindzi Germain asked me personally to make her a t-shirt, because she saw my own t-shirts and loved the designs and sparkle.
I was introduced to Lindzi by Mike Starke and we have now become friends, she is a talented actress/comedian and singer - I often go to see her in musical comedy shows in Liverpool. I designed and made this unique Scouse Queen t-shirt for Lindzi - it took a lot of patience and countless hours to complete the t-shirt.
I instructed my personal assistants how to create it step by step. I always use Photoshop and Illustrator on my Mac computer to create my initial designs. Once they are printed out on card - they are cut to make stencils and used to create the outlines on a plain t-shirt. Then the transferred design gets coloured in with fabric pens, to help to visualise the different sections and apply a base of various background colours.
To make the colours permanent, the design had to be ironed over. Then each individual rhinestone needed to be glued on using fabric glue, the t-shirt was left to dry thoroughly before the fabric paint and glitter could be applied. Each individual coloured fabric paint and glitter was then applied separately. The time-consuming aspect was waiting for the paint and glitter to dry before the excess glitter could be shaken off - before another coloured paint/glitter could be applied. The finished t-shirt looks professional and effective, I'm thrilled with the final result and the fact Lindzi gave me the opportunity to design this for her.
This was Lindzi's reaction when I gave her the t-shirt (in pictures).
Here are some photos of Lindzi wearing her t-shirt.